

Supporting practices and primary care networks as they deal with COVID-19 has been our priority since the pandemic was declared back in March 2020.

Primary Care Doncaster is proud to be delivering the COVID-19 vaccination programme with practices and primary care networks across Doncaster. As well as this, we are also delivering the COVID-19 Co-ordination Hub (CCHUB) that provides additional general practice appointments to those with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

In March 2021, we completed giving first doses of COVID-19 vaccine to people in the first nine priority groups. These groups include those who are 50 years of age and over, adults aged 16 to 65 years in at-risk groups, clinically extremely vulnerable individuals, residents in a care home for older adults and staff who work there, and frontline health and social care workers.

If you belong to one of these groups and have not yet been vaccinated, you can make an appointment by booking online or by calling 119.

COVID-19 Co-ordination Hub (CCHUB)


This service is for patients with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19 who are unwell and need GP care which cannot be provided by their practice. Referral into the CCHUB is via NHS 111 or patient’s own practice.

Any face to face requests to the CCHUB from general practice will be assessed and dealt with as appropriate.  This may be advice, face to face visit or referral on, in line with the patient’s presentation and services available.

The CCHUB is open Monday to Friday as well as Bank Holidays and is staffed by clinicians.

Referral Criteria

  • Patient has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID 19 and is also unwell
  • Patient meets the criteria for a suspected diagnosis of COVID 19 and is also unwell
  • Patient self-isolating due to a household member being formally diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19 who is also unwell
  • Patients has a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID 19 and own GP practice doesn’t feel they can be managed remotely and are therefore referred for a face to face assessment by their practice

Work in the CCHUB

Primary Care Doncaster coordinates rotas for the CCHUB. If you are interested in covering a shift, please get in touch here.