Every month, practice staff join us in sessions designed to cover the learning needs of the multidisciplinary primary care team. TARGET highlights best practice and incorporates quality improvement activities. All aimed at improving patient care. The sessions are delivered by both local and national experts, facilitated by Doncaster’s GP TARGET Tutor Dr Karen Forshaw, with support from PCD’s Chief Nurse, Suzanne Hallworth-Manley.
Here are just some of the ways we help local practices and primary care networks:
Hosting clinical roles at scale
PCD is host employer to a number of clinicians who work across multiple practices including those who work in primary care networks through ARRS funding. From recruitment right through to being in role, we take care of staff on behalf of practices and networks when they need us. This at scale approach also provides an attractive, more varied portfolio-type career for primary care clinicians.
PCD has a strong track record too. In the past year, we’ve:
- Been asked by three practices to host an emergency care practitioner
- Supported three practices in the employment and sponsorship of Tier 2 GPs
- Helped one network to bring in four full time clinical pharmacists
- Successfully recruited 79 per cent of the additional roles required for our primary care networks including care coordinators, clinical pharmacists, paramedics, pharmacy technicians, physician associates, dietitians and podiatrists.
Vocational training for practice nurses
Attracting and training the next generation of practice nurses is essential as data shows the local nursing retirement risk is real here in Doncaster. PCD has a hugely successful vocational training scheme in place.
In 2019/20, we successfully recruited and placed 4 VTS nurses in local practices. These nurses have now completed the course and positive feedback has been received. Four more nurses started their course in 2020 – 2021. Approval has now been granted for an additional four VTS nurses in 2021 – 2022 too. PCD has supported the recruitment for the entire of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw footprint!
Local staff network (locum bank)
PCD has a digital staff bank where practices can advertise vacant shifts/gaps for local clinical and non-clinical staff to book onto. This maximises unused capacity within the local workforce and establishes a fair system with practices setting rates and requirements, cutting out locum and agency fees.
PCD uses the award-winning digital platform, Lantum and works closely with practices to sign-up staff and encourage use.
Development of non-clinical staff
PCD’s ongoing development programme for practice administrative staff ensures vital skillsets are sustained and enhanced. A culture of continuous learning and positivity is essential for these front-line staff and we’re committed to making that happen for local practice teams.
PCD has a number of exciting sessions planned for delivery at TARGET as well as 1-2-1 coaching for practice managers.
Clinical pathway re-design
On behalf of practices and networks, PCD works with the CCG to align local strategies and provide a clear framework within which to develop the primary care workforce. Priority pathways over the next 3-5 years include dermatology, mental health, ENT, VTE, & MSK.
Already in play is the physical health and wellbeing service for patients on the SMI register and wound care service which went live in December 2020.
Develop networks within neighbourhoods
PCD supports networks within neighbourhoods to develop and re-establish the health care community ethos across multiple organisations. This releases capacity by freeing up staff from unnecessary duplication and bureaucracy. It also capitalises on social prescribing and asset-based community development, to make tangible improvements to the workforce through better recruitment & retention.
PCDs integrated neighbourhood project coordinators (NPC) have been working closely with the clinical directors, and the lead GPs and practice managers in their allocated PCNs, to support project work, organisational development and DES service development.
For more information about how we can support your practice or network with its workforce, please get in touch. You may also want to visit Primary Care Network Support.